The Characters
MY RPG- Characters

Site Owned by:Inyo

Main Characters>

Inyo- a boy who lost his care for the world, instead of fighting for the world he fights to survive a harsh world of depression. He lost his belife in god and is passive about world issues. He makes a living by working for the A.E(Air Elite).

Sain- Feels the same as inyo in regards that the world is helpless sprial of pain but his life ambition is to seek out revenge for the deaths of his parents.

Iris- a girl who meets Inyo in his journey she has mysterious power yet her origin is unknown.

Tomeru- a master who teaches Inyo how to combat in the "Marasume" style of combat and he is inyo's adopted father.

Alice- a perky mage whos, goal is to bring happyness to the world, she knows inyo since she was a child and always wanted to see inyo smile.

Eral- Alice's father , he is in the A.E but a low ranked soilder. He barely can make a living for his family Inyo sees this and helps Eral and he treates inyo as the son he never had.

The Vandels

Vandels- a group of what would be mercenaries yet look more like hitmen, and carry out any job if well paid enough.

Stel- leader of the Vandels, he thinks of life as a candle in the wind and he is a passing wind of survivaul.

Runt- a quick-witted gunman and cocky about his skills he was adopted by Stel at the age of 10.

Van- a hefty man who equals in strength. He is Stel's home town friend and joins Stel struggle to protect Stel.

The Ledgendaray Characters

Kinz- A man of ledgends, he was belived to be the "source of power" writen in the anicient texts. A man of colassus power that created the gods himself yet his existance was never proven

Akura- a demon casted from darkness he was belived to be a human but had obtained the power of Kinz. An army of men fought to subdue him yet his power reached other souls and manipulated the war, some have witnessed his power in the hearts of man.